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Top 10 Golf Course Etiquette Mistakes

Writer's picture: Eric LevyEric Levy

1. Talking in somebody's backswing

Talking just as somebody starts taking their club back, or finishing with their follow through, easily comes in as the number one “must not” on the golf course. Though it may seem trivial or obvious, I can't tell you how often I see this happen. It irritates the player swinging and more likely than not is bound to cause friction in the group if it happens repeatedly.

2. Giving unsolicited advice/tips

The only thing worse than hitting a bad shot is hitting a bad shot and having it followed up by a casual pointer or tip from one of your playing partners. Doesn't matter if a golfer does the most obvious of mistakes, keep your advice to yourself. If someone wants help they will ask you for it.

3. Walking on someone's putting line

You may have never heard this or simply think it's overblown but it's definitely not. Don't walk on the same line someone is about to putt. We golfers already come up with a plethora of excuses for our poor shots and miscues. We don't need another. Practically speaking, it’s also just annoying to have a nice clean line, to then only see it destroyed by a casual footprint from your oblivious playing partner.

4. Not picking up your ball after 10 strokes

While at times we all like to think we're PGA Tour bound, most of us are not. When playing a casual round of golf and there is no gambling at stake, do us all a favor and pick your ball up when you have reached the 10 strokes mark; specially if this occurs before reaching the green. Sure, a 9 on a par 5 is a quad bogey, but there is no legitimate name for 5 over on a par 5, let alone a par 4 or par 3. It slows the game down, holds up the pace of play on a golf course, and is certain to irritate your foursome.

5. Playing music from a phone/speaker without asking the group

How many times are you about to hit that par saving putt just when someone cues the timeless, distracting R&B? Traditionally, golf is not played with music in the background but there are indeed some players who enjoy it. It's not the biggest miscue to play music from your phone or portable speaker during a round if it's kept at a low volume. It is however a huge mistake to start playing music and assume it's okay with everybody in your group. Even if you don't know these individuals and were randomly paired up with them, simply ask if it's okay; it's the courteous thing to do.

6. Answering a cell phone call and talking while your partners are playing

This one speaks to the same concept as the previous one. Have courtesy for the other members in your group. We all get calls on the course from time to time that can't be avoided. Simple solution here; take the call some 50 feet away from the rest of the group so as not to disturb anyone.

7. Cheating

You might be wondering why this one is on here. Common logic would say cheating only hurts you and your golf progress, not anyone else's. Well guess what? It hurts everyone. Nobody wants to be in a foursome with that guy who routinely claims he's putting to save bogey when we all know he's more likely putting to save triple bogey. How someone could have the audacity to cheat so badly actually ends up sometimes sticking in the minds of other golfers in the group and distracting them. It's just bad for the group vibe and definitely likely to cause arguments. Avoid it at all costs.

8. Not dressing appropriately

Dressing like your Payne Stewart with knickers and all may in fact be a tad over the top. But don't be that guy who shows up in cargo shorts and a t-shirt. First of all, it's embarrassing for the rest of your group to have to be reprimanded about dress code as adults. Second of all, many of us like to indulge in the notion that golf is a game of luxury, and that we earned it. Don't sully the mood by showing up in your worst attire. Have some respect for your playing partners, the golf course, and the game. Remember, golf is a gentleman's game.

9. Complaining after every shot

Nobody wants a “golf moper” in their foursome. Is an occasional outburst or complaint acceptable? Sure. But don't be that individual who literally complains after every shot as if he is expecting a totally different outcome each time. Golf is a hard sport and takes years and years of practice and discipline to get better at. It's surely okay to make mistakes while you're out there. It's also extremely uncomfortable playing with the guy that's always complaining, always miserable and basically ensuring the whole group doesn't have fun.

10. Gambling without cash

This one is very simple. Forget Venmo, forget Paypal, forget your random peer to peer money transfer service. Cash is king. Especially on the golf course. For those of you that like to gamble a little bit while playing, always remember to show up with some cash. It makes things easy, and everybody you bet with will appreciate a prompt cash payment should you lose a bet.

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